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The WMK Melbourne Team is currently taking part in the annual month-long Steptember challenge.

After the success of last year’s challenge, we decided to again sign up for this great cause. With each dollar raised helps people with cerebral palsy, a condition that affects movement and occurs when a part of the developing brain is damaged. It is not known how this is caused as it is not genetic nor a disease and there is no cure at this point in time.

For this challenge the office has split up into four teams. Each person has been given a pedometer and has set out to achieve 10,000 steps a day for 28 days straight. You can move any way you like, whether it’d be dancing, surfing or swimming, as most physical activity can be recorded on the Steptember app.

Steptember has encouraged everyone in the office to take a break and step out of the office whilst promoting physical movement like taking the stairs instead of the lift or riding their bike to work instead of catching public transport. Not only has this been beneficial for health and wellbeing it has been positive for overall productivity in the office.

2017 10 Steptember 02

Posted by Sarah Mu

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