Following the devastating earthquake of 2011, Christchurch NZ has been slowly pulling itself out of the rubble to become a thriving city once more.
On a recent visit, Sarah Jelliffe explored the city centre. Despite large areas still waiting for demolition and many blocks sitting bare, there is a colourful glimmer of hope and positivity breaking through.
The temporary container mall sits at the heart of the Christchurch, a vibrant and edgy solution to draw life back into the city centre. Resembling a quirky art installation, multi-coloured shipping containers house stores where traditional shop fronts once stood.
On the other side of the city, a new container bar has arisen using materials and objects salvaged from the earthquake wreckage. Shopping trolleys and luggage trunks have been re-fashioned as seating, whilst an eclectic mix of recycled timbers clad the walls.
Although the initial feeling in the city is one of quiet and emptiness, don’t be fooled. Take the time to look around; the spirit and determination of the locals to bring their home back to life is truly inspiring.